The Librarians The Librarians 18 Episodes 2024 New villains hailing from the fictional, mythical, and real worlds. Season Two And the Drowned Book You must upgrade to watch this. And the Broken Staff You must upgrade to watch this. And What Lies Beneath the Stones You must upgrade to watch this. And the Cost of Education You must upgrade to watch this. And the Hollow Men You must upgrade to watch this. And the Infernal Contract You must upgrade to watch this. And the Image of Image You must upgrade to watch this. And the Point of Salvation You must upgrade to watch this. And the Happily Ever Afters You must upgrade to watch this. And the Final Curtain You must upgrade to watch this. Bonus Material The Librarians Bonus Material: Season 2 Blooper Reel You must upgrade to watch this. The Librarians Bonus Material: Writers Blog Cost of Education You must upgrade to watch this. The Librarians Bonus Material: Writers Blog The Hollow Men You must upgrade to watch this. The Librarians Bonus Material: Writers Blog Infernal Contract You must upgrade to watch this. The Librarians Bonus Material: Writers Blog The Image of Image You must upgrade to watch this. The Librarians Bonus Material: Writers Blog Point of Salvation You must upgrade to watch this. The Librarians Bonus Material: Writers Blog The Happily Ever Afters You must upgrade to watch this. The Librarians Bonus Material: Writers Blog The Final Curtain You must upgrade to watch this.